The thing that strikes me is an outsider is the incredibly lengthy period of replacing a PM who's announced their resignation. This seems like a recipe for constitutional disaster

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Had we had early elections, we all know that the Cons would be in power and fascism would not be far behind. Look at the mess Smith and Ford are making. Also in one of the other Provinces they want to remove the governor general because they're in governments way. I say waiting has saved canadians from FASCISM. Some of us come from dictatorships, watched the propaganda machine, we know the playbook, and how PP has been playing his cards before Carney arrived on the scene destined us to the very problems the USA is dealing with now.

I say lady luck saved us. No other way to look at it. I'm not even a Liberal voter, I voted NDP all my life. I'm glad JT still hanging on. For good or bad, his call saved us from PP.

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Thanks. My kids were asking me about this on Monday and I wish I had read this first!

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